501(3)(c) Non-profit organization

Michael-Gene Kids Basketball Foundation, Logo

(321) 720-3084


Saving Lives Through Science & Organ Donations

Learn About the Charity Organizations We Work With

TransLife – This is one of the premier organ donation charities saving lives through the generosity not only of their financial supporters, but also organ donors themselves. Our work with them resulted in being named the Volunteer of the Year in January 2012 by TransLife Organ and Tissue Donation Services. We want to encourage people to give the gift of life and become an organ donor today.

Lions Eye Institute for Transplant & Research – Giving sight to the sightless is the goal of Lions Eye Institute. Following their slogan "The Science of Sight, The Gift of Vision," this charitable organization focuses on ocular research and acts as an eye bank to provide transplants across the globe. We are workplace partners with Lions Eye and encourage you to find out more about their important achievements at their site.

Kidney WalkKidney Walk

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors

Michael's Crash Site

Michael's Crash Site